Fabric flat pattern automation process

Hi All,

I'm trying to automate a process to export composite flat patterns from a family of parts. The process is extract a face that represents the plie outer face, intersect is with the reference planes, create a flat pattern from it and then export the result as dxf.

I was hopping to use a journal to do the job (we have about 400 plies to plot...) but as the function Fabric_Flat_Pattern is not parametric, I don't know how to add it in the journal...

Anyone has a trick to do that?



Unfortunately, I do not have access to a license with the fabric flat pattern functions nor can I find mention of the functions in the standard .net API reference documentation. Perhaps someone with experience in fabric flat patterns and NXOpen will drop by and answer, but you may have better luck in the Siemens (programming) languages forum:

Thank you, I will contact the help desk about this.

In the meantime, I found a sort of workaround but it runs partially on rhino and uses some Py scripting so it's not ideal.

I'll post an update when I have a solution.