Submitted by baschuve on Thu, 10/12/2017 - 07:16
Hello, I would like to create an NX Journal script, that opens a specific URL, based on an existing System Environment Variable. Is this possible? This is needed because the Sys Env Var will change based on configuration. I know how to create Journal to a specific URL, just not how to read Env Var that launches URL. Thank you.
Example: With existing Sys Env Var:, etc.. Create NX Journal to read "PDM_URL" and open browser in defined URL.
re: read environment variable
The .net framework provides the .ExpandEnvironmentVariables() method to get access to the value of an environment variable. In your case, it would look something like:
Dim myValue as string
myValue = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%PDM_URL%")
The variable "myValue" would then have the value of the "PDM_URL" environment variable.
MSDN reference:
Thank you! That works well!
Thank you! That works well!