Using Snap Text


Below is a simple snap Journal placing The text on the Drawing sheet. My problem is the text ends up being a PMI note and want this to be a TEXT note. Any suggestions??

Imports Snap, Snap.Create

Public Class MyProgram

Public Shared Sub Main()

Imports Snap, Snap.Create

Public Class MyProgram

Public Shared Sub Main()

Dim blueCambria12 As New NX.TextStyle()
blueCambria12.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Blue
blueCambria12.FontName = "Cambria"
blueCambria12.FontSize = 12

' Now use this TextStyle to create three notes
Note(New Position(10, 20), blueCambria12, "Apple")
Note(New Position(20, 20), blueCambria12, "Banana")
Note(New Position(30, 20), blueCambria12, "Cherry")

End Sub

End Class

"Any suggestions??"

Yes. Use the code that I gave you previously: