setting theyunit As CAE.XyFunctionUnit !

to all

a really stupid question.

I want to "force" the 'theyunit' of an AFU record to be exported in 'g'. How do I set it up? I think it's an enumeration. I can the check the value when I select the record as follows

theAFUData.GetAxisDefinition(theAbscissaType, thexunit, theOrdinateType, theYunit)

theLW.WriteLine("DEBUG: Y unit: " & theyunit.ToString)

I then do a check

If theyunit.ToString.Contains("Acceleration") Then theyunit = NXOPEN.CAE.XyFunctionUnit.AccelerationGs
'any acceleration record will be forced to 'g', any other type is ignored and left as-is

The following appears to be correct for some type of records but I did a test on a 'PowerSpectralDensity' and it doesn't pick it up!
