Select component (not .Highlight)


we are trying to import component and immediately use move component command.

Move component is made by macro, it works if the any component is preselected.

The problem is selecting the componen in NXOpen.
We didn't have any success with SelectionManager and .Highlight is only visual representation...

Is it really impossible to select a component , so the .macro will recognize it?

Thank you

If you have a reference to a component, you can use it as input to the proper "move component" API commands. Chances are good that you can eliminate the macro entirely; doing so will make your code more robust. Selecting objects is not always possible through the API and starting a macro from a journal is possible, but is not supported functionality.

This tool inserts components from our internal library. I wanted to give the user a freedom to position it as he wants, so he can specify the CSYS on which the component will be inserted (normally we use Dynamic to position). The only problem is that the component which is being inserted is not visible and neither its origin point or orientation (handles). Inserting directly to WCS (or wherever), selecting and running "move component" .macro seemed like a good idea, because allows user would be seeing the component, also allowing quick adjustment of reference point ("Handles checkbox") - in other words it would be more interactive and more efficient.
The problem is that Highlighted components are only highlighted and not really selected.
Recording selecting in journal does nothing.