NX View change and windows forms abiguity

Hi All,

Does anyone know a way around using both System.Windows.Forms, and manipulating the view in NX with a line of code such as;

workPart.ModelingView.WorkView.Orient(View.Canned.Trimetric, View.ScaledAdjustment.Fit)

in the same journal?

It causes an ambiguity error when it compiles because the "View" is used by both.

Any help appreciated

If you are getting ambiguity errors, you will need to fully qualify one (possibly both) of the "View" objects. The line of code in your post would become:

workPart.ModelingView.WorkView.Orient(NXOpen.View.Canned.Trimetric, NXOpen.View.ScaledAdjustment.Fit)


