"LookAt", a Journal to Orient View to the Nearest uv Orientation of the Face

This is a Journal that snaps the model view to the NEAREST uv orientation of the planar face.
It is useful when you look at a face that is not in the absolute XYZ orientation.

"Selecting a face then F8" works the same ,but this journal may reduce some keystrokes or mouse clicks.

This is written in c#, not vb.

//This is a journal to snap the model view to the nearest uv orientation of the user selected planar face.
//This is useful when the face is not in the absolute XYZ orientation.
//2017-7-8 kam

using System;
using NXOpen;
using NXOpen.UF;
using MiniSnap;

public class LookAt
static Session _theSession = Session.GetSession();
static UFSession _theUFSession = UFSession.GetUFSession();
static Part _workPart = _theSession.Parts.Work;

public static void Main(string[] args) // Program entry point
Face face1=MySelect.SelectAPlanarFace("Select a planar face");
if (face1!= null)
UFModl ufmodl = _theUFSession.Modl;

//Get surface normal pointing out of the solid. : dir
int faceType;
double[] facePt = new double[3];
double[] faceDir = new double[3];
double[] bbox = new double[6];
double faceRadius;
double faceRadData;
int normDirection;
ufmodl.AskFaceData(face1.Tag, out faceType, facePt, faceDir, bbox, out faceRadius, out faceRadData, out normDirection);
Vector dir = faceDir;

//Get the range of the surface parameters.
double[] uvminmax = new double[4];
ufmodl.AskFaceUvMinmax(face1.Tag, uvminmax);
double umin = uvminmax[0];
double vmin = uvminmax[2];

//Get u,v vector of the surface.
NXOpen.UF.ModlSrfValue surfaceValue = new NXOpen.UF.ModlSrfValue();
int mode = NXOpen.UF.UFConstants.UF_MODL_EVAL_UNIT_NORMAL;
ufmodl.EvaluateFace(face1.Tag, mode, new double[] {umin , vmin}, out surfaceValue);
Vector u = surfaceValue.srf_du;

//review v-direction so that u,v,dir make up right-handed c-sys.
Vector v = Vector.Cross(dir, u);

// "ufmodl.AskFaceProps" does not return correct u,v direction. IR has been issued already.
//"surfaceValue.srf_unormal" does not always point out of the solid.

//Get orientation of the work view.
Orientation oriview = new Orientation(_workPart.ModelingViews.WorkView.Matrix);

//among 4 c-sys (u,v),(v,-u),(-u,-v),(-v,u), select the nearest one to the view. : oriface
double a0 = u * oriview.AxisX + v * oriview.AxisY;
double a1 = v * oriview.AxisX - u * oriview.AxisY;
double a2 = -u * oriview.AxisX - v * oriview.AxisY;
double a3 = -v * oriview.AxisX + u * oriview.AxisY;
Orientation oriface;
if ((a0 > a1) && (a0 > a2) && (a0 > a3))
oriface = new Orientation(u,v);
else if ((a1 > a2) && (a1 > a3))
oriface = new Orientation(v,-u);
else if (a2 > a3)
oriface = new Orientation(-u,-v);
oriface = new Orientation(-v,u);


public static int GetUnloadOption(string dummy)
return (int)Session.LibraryUnloadOption.Immediately;

public class MySelect
public static Face SelectAPlanarFace(string prompt)
Selection.MaskTriple[] masks = new Selection.MaskTriple[1];
masks[0].Type = UFConstants.UF_solid_type;
masks[0].SolidBodySubtype = UFConstants.UF_UI_SEL_FEATURE_PLANAR_FACE;
TaggedObject selObj = null;
Point3d cursor;
Selection.Response resp = UI.GetUI().SelectionManager.SelectTaggedObject(
prompt, //message
"Select a planar face", //title
Selection.SelectionScope.AnyInAssembly, //scope
Selection.SelectionAction.ClearAndEnableSpecific, //action
false, //includeFeatures
false, //keepHighlighted
masks, //maskArray
out selObj,
out cursor);
return (Face)selObj;