I have a list of IDs that I need to search and open using NX Jurnaling.
I found that I can search and find if the ID exist in TC using Simple or Adv Search:
Dim entries() As String = {"item_id"}
Dim values() As String = { "ID746344"}
Dim mySearch As PDM.PdmSearch = theSession.PdmSearchManager.NewPdmSearch()
Dim mySearchResult As PDM.SearchResult = mySearch.Advanced(entries, values)
Dim results() As String = mySearchResult.GetResultObjectNames()
Dim basePart1 As NXOpen.BasePart = Nothing
Dim partLoadStatus1 As NXOpen.PartLoadStatus = Nothing
If results.Length <> 0 then
basePart1 = theSession.Parts.OpenActiveDisplay("@DB/ID746344/??rev??",
NXOpen.DisplayPartOption.AllowAdditional, partLoadStatus1)
'didn't found
End If
But the problem that results return only IDs and NAMEs but not the Revisions.
Now after I got the ID from the results, How can I open the ID i found? I have to enter rev in the "OpenActiveDisplay" function. it doesn't work if I try it without the rev
Is it possible to get latest ItemRev? or open latest ItemRev?
I think it looks like this when written in Python
import NXOpen
def get_latest_Revision(part_name):
theUfSession = NXOpen.UF.UFSession.GetUFSession()
tag = theUfSession.Ugmgr.AskPartTag(part_name)
number_of_part = theUfSession.Ugmgr.ListPartRevisions(tag)[0]
if number_of_part == 1:
Revision = 1
Revision = "{:.3f}".format(1 + (number_of_part - 1) / 1000)
return str(Revision)