Check for suppression status of component in assembly

What would the syntax be to check if a child is in a suppressed state? I want to skip over suppressed components since I can not have them become displayed parts in a recursion program.

Use the IsSuppressed call in the component class.

If child.IsSuppressed then
'Skip processing
End If

NX 8.5
NX 9.0

A component object has the .IsSuppressed property; it will return True or False depending on the component status.

Suppressed components by default are not loaded. This causing my program headaches. Is there a way to fully load all components in an assembly including suppressed?

I'm not 100% sure it will solve your problem, but here is a link to some code that may interest you.

It is a work in progress, I've not done much with it lately; let me know if you run into any bugs or other problems...